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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-23 17:01:18  浏览:9809   来源:法律资料网
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第一条 为贯彻安全生产方针,确保装运危险物品过程中的港口、船舶人员、货物的安全,完成危险物品运输任务,特制定本规定。
第二条 托运容易发生爆炸、易燃和具有腐蚀性、毒害性的货物,以及容易使船舶、设备与其他货物遭受燃烧、损毁者,使人、畜中毒、伤害、残废的货物,统称为危险物品。
第三条 危险物品的区分为以下八类:
第四条 本规则规定的危险品,系参照中央交通部1954年10月25日交厅参(54)第39-52号公布“船舶货运危险品暂行规则”的规定,凡未列的其他危险品,应比照表内同类危险品性状有关规定办理。
第五条 船舶装运危险品,除武器、弹药的装运已订有规章外,都依照本规定办理。
第六条 凡托运危险品除需经过陆上运输应根据南京市公安局1959年9月28日公治訾字第932号公布试行的“南京市危险物品暂行管理办法”执行和一般货物托运手续办理外,应付具性质说明书(必要时提出化验单)并在包装上显著地位绘涂危险品标志或粘贴专用标签,托运
第七条 托运危险品前须向交通管理部门申领准单,凡需木船自航者应向当地交通分局办理,凡需机动船舶或轮拖船队运输者应向南京港务局港航监督部门办理手续。
第八条 托运大宗危险品,承运人可以要求托运人指派熟悉所运危险品性质的押运人员随船押运,并且协助船上负责人员随时注意所运危险品的安全,但是不因此而减轻船(驾)长和其他有关船员所应负的责任。
第九条 托运危险品不得混合包装,但符合“药剂或化学试剂运、储、存条件”的可按照该规定办理。
第十条 托运曾经装运过危险吕容器,应当事先清理干净或消毒,否则仍应按危险品处理。
第十一条 危险品可按其品类、性质分别用货轮、轮队或客货轮运输,其船舶是否适合,应由交通管理部门港航监督及技术安全部门会商决定。
第十二条 装运危险品的轮、驳、木帆船必须根据其性质配备应有的防护设备,装运爆炸品及一级易燃液体的船舶厨房炉灶如不符合安全要求者应严禁火种,拖轮拖缆要有适当长度,以防止事故。
第十三条 轮船与载有一级易燃液体或爆炸品的船舶相遇或超越时,不论该船停舶或航行,都应采取预防措施,防止火花飞散,如超越时必须保持较大距离并从该船下水方面驰过。
第十四条 装运大量爆炸品或一级易燃液体的船舶,严禁拖带其他船舶及移船等作业。船员严禁穿钉鞋。
第十五条 装运的危险品在航行中发生变化将危及船舶、人命或其他货物时,船(驾)长有权作紧急处理将它消灭或采取任何方法使它不能为害,承运人不负赔偿责任,但由于装载、保管失当所致仍应负责。前项紧急措施,船(驾)长应做紧急处理记录。
第十六条 装运危险品船舶的船(驾)长,必须充分掌握船舶装卸设备性能,精密审核配载计划,并监督装卸工作的正确进行,以期确保安全。如有离船必要时应责成有关人员负责进行现场监督。
第十七条 客货轮装运危险品限制与数量,应在客货班轮装运危险品限额表中规定。
第十八条 装运爆炸性、易燃性、自燃性或毒害性的危险品船舶,除轮船、船队应在指定码头进行装卸外,有关木帆船方面,特规定在以下三处进行装卸作业:(该处均设有白底红字木制标志)
第十九条 为减少陆上运输危险物品经过市区,特作如下规定:
第二十条 装运爆炸、易燃大量的其他危险品船舶,在停舶或航行中必须按照航行规章和港口规章悬挂信号(白天为红旗,夜晚为红色环照灯)同时在船旁进出口和仓面显著地位悬挂白底红字警告牌。
第二十一条 船舶在装运危险品时,港口应派熟悉这项装卸业务的人员指导装卸工作。装卸危险品的码头,应当备有足够的消防设备和救护用品。
第二十二条 装运危险品港口除应向装卸工人进行宣传注意事项、安全防护措施及施救方法外,对装卸人员应根据毒害性质使用工作服、专用手套、胶靴围裙、防护眼镜或防毒面具,必要时并应在外露皮肤上涂抹防护药膏。并在码头地区备有清洁用具、饮料、消毒药品等,以供装卸人
第二十三条 装卸危险品的装卸人员,应给予适当休息时间,并教育其轻拿轻放,严防震动、摩擦、倒放,以免发生危险。夜晚装卸庆备有足够照明。
第二十四条 装运危险品的船舶必须备有足够的防护设备,放置便利使用地点,并经常检查确保使用效能,指定专人负责,并须定期演习。
第二十五条 装运危险品的船舶,如须中途补充装载时,应注意配载,尽量避免移动原装危险品,如需在本市水上过载或在码头装卸大批爆炸物品在10吨以上者,承托单位必须事先向当地公安、交通部门报告,在必要时组织力量维护安全。
第二十六条 船舶装运危险品,应当有适当的衬垫,必要时加以系固。高度腐蚀性危险品应尽量装在甲板上加以遮盖并须铺垫黄沙,其装载面不可超过甲板面积的一半。
第二十七条 装载危险品船舶的仓盖上以及通风消防救生设备等的附近,必须保持畅通以便采取紧急措施。
第二十八条 危险品混合运输或混合存放,应当严格遵守“危险品混合装运表(爆炸品除外)”和“危险品混合存放表(爆炸品除外)”的规定。
第二十九条 船舶装运危险品在航行中应指定人员日夜轮班进行检查照料严加警戒,装运爆炸品或一级易燃液体,应经常注意温度情况,无特殊设备的船舶应在甲板上经常浇洒冷水,以降低仓内温度。在装卸过程中如遇雷电、暴风雨或附近发生火灾时都应暂时停止装卸,并妥加防范。

第三十条 危险品不准随身携带或作为行李运送,如属含有危险性的小量医药或应用物品,可根据性状准许随身携带或交由船上代为存放。
第三十一条 装运危险品船舶发生火灾,如着火地点在上风时,应立即转移船身使火源在下风以便施救。
第三十二条 危险品在装卸过程中发生火灾或其他事故,船长和装卸区负责人应立即分别督率全体船员和装卸人员采取紧急措施协同消防人员施救,以防事态扩大。
第三十三条 船舶装卸危险品,当地公安、交通部门必须依照本规定和其他有关安全的规定执行监督并进行检查,教育船员与装卸人员执行本规定。
第三十四条 装运危险品的船舶在航行中如发生意外事故,船(驾)长必须负责领导全体人员尽一切力量护救,非至施救无效危及全船的情况下不得宣布弃船,全体船员在船(驾)长未宣布前,不得擅自离船,船(驾)长宣布弃船,所有船员仍须服从船(驾)长指挥进行离船措施。
第三十五条 承运危险物品的船舶单位,应建立登记制度,将托运单位、危险物品名称、性质、数量、起迄地点及时间等逐项记录,每月汇总向当地公安、交通部门报告。
第三十六条 装运危险品之船舶驾驶人员,必须政治可靠,具有良好操作技术者。
第三十七条 托运单位需要船舶装运危险物品时,应凭批准单与承运单位密切联系,根据船舶抵达码头时间,使危险品准时运往指定地点,并派人看管,立即进行装运。
第三十八条 本规定在执行过程中,如中央与及省对船舶装运危险品规则有所修改时或本规定与中央及省所颁布的规定有所抵触时,一律依照中央及省的规定办理。
第三十九条 本规定解释权属于南京市交通局。

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财政部 国家文物局关于颁发《国家重点文物保护专项补助经费使用管理办法》的通知

2001年12月11日  财教〔2001〕351号




第一章 总  则

  第一条 为了加强对国家重点文物保护专项补助经费(以下简称“国家专项补助经费”)的使用管理,提高资金使用效益,根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》和《文物事业单位财务制度》,特制定本办法。
  第二条 国家专项补助经费是中央财政为支持和加强文物保护而设立的专项补助经费。国家专项补助经费由财政部和国家文物局按照项目管理的要求,共同实施项目管理。
  第三条 根据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》第三条“地方各级人民政府保护本行政区域内的文物”规定,文物保护所需经费应由文物所在地政府解决,地方政府单独解决确有困难且符合本办法第八条所列补助范围的项目,可以申请国家专项补助经费补助,共同解决。
  第四条 国家专项补助经费的分配和使用,遵循“保护为主、抢救第一”的文物工作方针,坚持“突出重点、专款专用、加强管理、注重实效”的原则,任何部门、单位不得挤占和挪用。
  第五条 国家专项补助经费实行统筹安排、分级管理、分级负责的原则。
  第六条 国家专项补助经费的使用必须接受财政、文物管理、审计等部门的监督和检查。

第二章 国家专项补助经费的使用范围和支出内容

  第七条 国家专项补助经费的使用范围如下:
  第八条 国家专项补助经费的支出内容如下:

第三章 国家专项补助经费的申请和审批

  第九条 省级财政部门和文物管理部门是国家专项补助经费的申请部门(以下简称“申请部门”)。具体项目的申请单位申请国家专项补助经费时,均须逐级上报申请部门,申请部门审核后,联署向财政部和国家文物局提出申请。凡越级上报或单方面上报的申请均不予受理。
  第十条 申请部门须于每年10月31日前,将申请下一年度国家专项补助经费项目的《国家专项补助经费申报书》、《国家专项补助经费申报汇总表》和申请报告同时报送财政部和国家文物局。所有申请项目的总体方案、内容及预算应事先由省级文物管理部门报经国家文物局批复同意,具体办法另行下发。
  第十一条 财政部和国家文物局建立“国家重点文物保护专项补助经费项目库”,共同对申请国家专项补助经费的项目进行排查、审核后,确定补助数额并予以批复。

第四章 财务管理与监督

  第十二条 国家专项补助经费实行“专项申报,逐项核定,按进度拨款,年终核销支出,项目完成后结报”的财务管理办法。
  第十三条 财政部和国家文物局负责国家专项补助经费的财务管理。申请部门负责本地区使用的国家专项补助经费的财务管理。
  第十四条 省级财政部门在收到财政部和国家文物局联合下达国家专项补助经费通知后,应及时将经费拨付同级文物管理部门。省级文物管理部门根据项目实施进度,一次或分次拨付用款单位,并将补助通知抄送用款单位文物主管部门及其同级财政部门。
  第十五条 已批准补助并拨款的项目,在批准文件下发2年之内仍未实施的,财政部和国家文物局将对该项目予以注销,并将已拨经费调至其他补助项目。
  第十六条 有下列情况之一者,省级文物部门应暂缓拨款或不予拨款。
  第十七条 当年未完成项目,年终经费如有结余的,可结转下年度继续用于该项目。项目完成后的结余资金,应如数上交省级文物管理部门。省级文物管理部门报经财政部或国家文物局同意,可以转入本地区其他文物保护项目使用。
  第十八条 如遇特殊情况需调整或变动已批准的项目或内容,须由省级文物部门提出报告,经国家文物局批准后方能调整或变动。
  第十九条 具体用款单位在年度终了后,须向省级文物部门报送《国家重点文物保护专项补助经费决算表》。
  第二十条 项目完成后,由用款单位编制财务决算和工程总结报告,经省级文物管理部门和财政部门审核后,分别报送财政部和国家文物局。
  第二十一条 国家专项补助经费项目实施完毕或进行阶段验收时,省级文物部门须会同省级财政部门对其财务决算(或阶段性财务结算)进行验收、审计,并将验收(审计)结果报财政部和国家文物局备案。对重点项目,由国家文物局组织专家和技术人员进行验收,或由国家文物局指定的部门、单位进行验收,并组织人员或委托中介机构对其财务决算(结算)进行审核、审计。
  第二十二条 用国家专项补助经费购置的固定资产,须登记入账,并报国家文物局备案。
  大型设备或成批(套) 施工设备以及项目完成后结余的主要材料,由省级文物部门实行统一管理,并有权在全省范围内调剂使用,必要时国家文物局可在全国范围内调剂使用。
  第二十三条 凡有下列行为之一,财政部和国家文物局给予停止拨款、暂停核批新的补助项目、收回补助经费等处罚,并追究直接责任人员和有关负责人的责任,触犯法律的将依法追究法律责任。

第五章 附  则

  第二十四条 本办法适用于文物管理部门管理和使用的文物保护单位,文物管理部门所属的博物馆、纪念馆和文物考古研究所等文物单位。
  第二十五条 本办法由财政部和国家文物局负责解释。
  第二十六条 本办法自发布之日起实施。原财政部和国家文物局《国家重点文物保护专项补助经费使用管理办法》(财文字〔1998〕11号)同时废止。





第一条 为了加强进口贸易的计划管理,提高经济效益,更好地为社会主义现代化建设服务,特制定本条例。
第二条 中华人民共和国实行进口货物许可制度。凡属本条例规定凭证进口的货物,除国家另有规定者外,都必须事先申请领取进口货物许可证,经由国家批准经营该项进口业务的公司办理进口订货。海关凭进口货物许可证和其他有关单证查验放行。
第三条 中华人民共和国对外经济贸易部代表国家统一签发进口货物许可证。
第四条 经国家批准,可以经营进口业务的各类公司,都必须严格按照批准的经营范围和进口商品目录办理进口业务。
第五条 根据国家规定,经国务院有关部委或省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,对外签订的来料加工、来件装配、补偿贸易、承包工程的协议、合同项下的进口货物,没有超出批准项目范围的,免领进口货物许可证。但是,补偿贸易、承包工程项下进口国家限制进口的货物,以及来?
第六条 进口国家限制进口的货物,不分进口方式、外汇来源、进口渠道,都必须按照国家规定的审批权限,报经主管部门和归口审查部门审核批准,由订货单位凭批准证件申请领取进口货物许可证。
第七条 下列进口,不属于前条第二款品种范围的,免领进口货物许可证:
第八条 前条第一款第二项、第三项自行购买的物品,国际市场价格超过规定限额的,必须申请领取进口货物许可证。
第九条 中外合资经营企业生产所需物资,国内不能供应的,可以委托有关外贸公司向国外订购,也可以在该企业经营范围内自行进口。申请领取进口货物许可证的范围、手续,按照《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法实施条例》第六十三条的规定办理。
第十条 在下列情况下,对外经济贸易部不签发或撤销已经签发的进口货物许可证:
第十一条 申请领取进口货物许可证,必须持有厅、局级以上单位的公函,并提交经主管部门和归口审查部门批准进口的证件。申请内容包括进口货物名称、规格、数量、金额、用途、进口国别、外汇来源、对外成交单位等项目。经发证机关审核,符合规定的,予以签发进口货物许可
第十二条 进口货物许可证的有效期限为一年。货物在有效期限内没有进口,领证单位可以向发证机关申请展期,发证机关可以根据合同规定相应延长许可证有效期限。
第十三条 违反本条例规定,事先没有申请领取许可证而擅自进口货物的,海关可以没收货物或责令退运;经发证机关核准补证进口的,海关可以酌情处以罚款后放行。伪造、涂改、转让进口货物许可证的,海关按照海关法规的有关规定处理。
第十四条 经济特区进口供特区内使用的货物,按照经济特区的特别规定办理;经济特区运往内地的进口货物、特区产品,都应当按照本条例规定执行。
第十五条 本条例由对外经济贸易部负责解释;施行细则由对外经济贸易部会同海关总署制定。
第十六条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by the State Council on January 10, 1984)
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated to strengthen planning and administration
of imports, and to upgrade the economic efficiency, so as to facilitate
the construction of socialist modernization.
Article 2
The People's Republic of China implements the licencing system for import
commodities. With respect to all those commodities subject to a licence
for import as stipulated in these Regulations, except as otherwise
provided by the state, an application must be filed in advance for
obtaining an import licence, and the import order for the required
commodities shall be handled by a company approved by the state to be
engaged in the import business of the said commodities. The Customs shall
give clearance against the import licences and other relevant documents.
Article 3
The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the People's
Republic of China shall, on behalf of the state, be responsible for the
unified issue of the import licences. The departments of foreign economic
relations and trade at the provincial level may, within the scope of
competence prescribed by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and
Trade, issue import licences related to the importation of the respective
provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the
Central Government. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade
may also authorize its accredited representatives' offices stationed at
the main ports to issue, within the prescribed scope of competence, the
import licences.
Article 4
Various categories of companies that have been approved by the state to
engage in import business must handle the import business operations
strictly in accordance with the approved scope of business and with the
catalogue of import commodities. The goods, which are imported by the
national foreign trade corporations engaged in specialized import and
export business, or by import and export companies attached to various
ministries, or by import and export companies attached to various
provincial governments referred to by the term "companies" mentioned in
the preceding paragraph, shall, with the exception of those goods under
import restrictions imposed by the state, be exempt from the import
licences, and the Customs shall give clearance against the relevant import
All departments and enterprises without the approval of the state to
engage in import business are forbidden to import goods without
Article 5
The goods which are imported in accordance with the provisions of the
state, and with the approval of the relevant ministries or commissions
under the State Council or of the people's governments of the respective
provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the
Central Government, for executing various agreements and contracts
concluded with parties from abroad for processing supplied materials, for
assembling supplied parts and components, for compensation trade, or for
contracting of construction projects, and which have not exceeded the
scope of the approved items, shall be exempt from import licences.
However, where the importation with respect to the compensation trade or
the contracting of construction projects goods under import restrictions
by the state; or where the materials or the parts and components or the
finished products after processing, imported for executing contracts for
processing supplied materials or for assembling supplied parts and
components are needed to diverse for domestic sale, an application must
filed for obtaining an import licence.
Article 6
In respect of the importation of goods under import restrictions imposed
by the state, irrespective of their forms of import, sources of foreign
exchange, and channels for import, the matter shall be submitted to the
competent administrative departments and the relevant examining
departments for examination and approval in accordance with the scope of
competence and limits of authority for examination and approval provided
by the state; and then, the ordering units shall apply for the import
licences by presenting the approval document.
The varieties of goods under import restrictions imposed by the state
shall be uniformly adjusted and made known to the public by the Ministry
of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade in accordance with the provisions
formulated by the state.
Article 7
The following imports, which do not fall under the scope of varieties
stipulated in the second paragraph of the preceding article, shall be
exempt from the import licences:
1. samples purchased or provided free of charge by foreign businessmen, in
the course of import and export business, by various categories of
companies which have been approved by the state to engage in import and
export business;
2. articles urgently required for professional usage which are purchased
from abroad at the international market price of 5,000 U.S. dollars or
less, by such departments as scientific research, education, culture,
physical culture, medicine, and public health, with the approval of the
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, or the administrative
departments of foreign economic relations and trade at the provincial
level, or the accredited representatives' offices of the Ministry of
Foreign Economic Relations and Trade stationed at various ports;
3. machinery and electrical instruments and fittings urgently required in
production which are purchased from abroad by industrial or mining
enterprises at the international market price of 5,000 U.S. dollars or
less, with the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and
Trade, or the administrative departments of foreign economic relations and
trade at the provincial level, or the accredited representatives' offices
of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade stationed at
various ports;
4. commodities imported with the special approval by the state.
The Customs shall give clearance to the imported goods mentioned in Items
2, 3 and 4 of the preceding paragraph against the approval documents.
4 of the preceding paragraph against the approval documents.
Article 8
With respect to the goods purchased as mentioned in Items 2 and 3 of the
first paragraph of the preceding article, if they are bought at an
international market price that exceeds the prescribed limit, an
application must be filed for obtaining the import licences. If
departments or public institutions other than those mentioned in Items 2
and 3 of the first paragraph of the preceding article are to purchase from
abroad the urgently required articles, they must also apply for obtaining
the import licences.
Article 9
With respect to the goods and materials required in production by Chinese-
foreign equity joint ventures, if they cannot be obtained in the domestic
market, the aforesaid equity joint ventures may order them from abroad
through the relevant foreign trade companies, or the equity joint ventures
may, within their scope of business operation, import the goods and
materials by themselves. Matters concerning the scope of and the
procedures for the import licences shall be handled in accordance with the
provisions of Article 63 of the Rules for the Implementation of the Law of
the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures.
Article 10
Under any one of the following circumstances, the Ministry of Foreign
Economic Relations and Trade shall not issue the import licence, or revoke
the import licence already issued:
1. goods the importation of which the state has decided to stop or to stop
for the time being;
2. goods the importation of which is not in conformity with the foreign
policy of the state;
3. the imported goods that are not in conformity with the contents of
bilateral trade agreements or the agreements of payment;
4. the imported goods that are not in conformity with the sanitation
criteria or the quarantine criteria for medicine, foodstuff, animals and
plants, agricultural products, livestock products, aquatic products, as
set by the state public health departments and the departments of
agriculture, animal husbandry and fishery;
5. other imported goods that jeopardize the interests of the state, or
that are handled illegally.
Article 11
To apply for the import licence, the applicant must present an official
certifying letter issued by a unit at the provincial department or bureau
level or higher, and submit also the certifying document indicating the
approval of the importation of the said goods by the relevant competent
administrative departments and the examining departments. The application
shall contain such items as the names of the imported goods,
specifications, quantity, amount of money paid, purposes of usage, the
country from which the goods are to be imported, sources of foreign
exchange, and the domestic units that shall conclude the transaction with
external units. The licence issuing department shall issue the import
licence after it has examined the application and found it to be in
conformity with relevant provisions.
In applying for the licence for import goods, the applying unit must make
the application strictly according to the facts and must not resort to
deception or trickery. Violators shall be investigated and punished.
Article 12
The term of validity of the import licence shall be one year. In the event
that within the term of validity the goods have not been imported, the
unit that holds the licence may make an application to the licence issuing
authorities for an extension of the term of validity; the licence issuing
authorities may, in accordance with the stipulations of the relevant
contract, extend the term of validity accordingly.
Article 13
In the event of a violation of the provisions of these Regulations, with
respect to the goods imported arbitrarily without applying for the import
licence in advance, the Customs may confiscate the goods or give an order
for the goods to be shipped back; where the importation has been verified
by the licence issuing department and the import licence has been issued
afterwards, the Customs may, at its discretion, impose a fine on the
violator and then give clearance. With respect to the forgery, alteration
or illegal transfer of the import licence, the case shall be dealt with by
the Customs in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Customs
laws and regulations.
Article 14
Matters concerning goods imported by the special economic zones for the
use within the special economic zones shall be handled in accordance with
the special provisions of the special economic zones; matters concerning
the imported goods and the goods manufactured in the special economic
zones, which are to be transported to the inland of the country, shall all
be handled in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
Article 15
The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade shall be responsible
for the interpretation of these Regulations; and the rules for the
implementation of these Regulations shall be formulated jointly by the
Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade and the General
Administration of Customs.
Article 16
These Regulations shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.
